Friday, July 20, 2018

Why you should hire a Real Estate Lawyer for your property transactions

Real Estate lawyers often specialize in dealing with the day-to-day transactions related to your property and its disputes. They can apply their legal skills to prepare and review your documents related to real estate investments such as purchase agreements, terms, and agreements of the mortgage, transfer documents, property tax and other registry related documents.

A lawyer can help you solve some of your common problems related to buying/selling of your property.

Buying or selling a property involves a significant amount of money, hence you may want to make sure that it doesn’t indulge you in any legal implications. It is highly recommended to involve a real estate lawyer to handle all your legal requirements for the transaction.

You can have more information on buying and selling a property at Alberta at Real Estate Council of Alberta.


Brokerage Agreement

A transaction may require a seller to sign a brokerage agreement, which contains standard forms covering all the terms of the agreement and a brokerage commission. The lawyer can ensure that the documents are properly reviewed and help you to mitigate the risks of getting trapped into an unexpected issue.

Read more about investing in a property in Edmonton, Alberta.

Purchase Agreements

One of the most important documents involved in the transaction involving the sale/purchase of a property. The document is generally a standard printed form addressing following issues:

  • If the property was lawfully altered.
  • If the buyer is legally allowed to make changes in the property.
  • Remedies in place if an issue is found during the inspection (by an authorized engineer/architect on behalf of the buyer)
  • How to deal with the hazardous waste in the property?
  • Consequences of not closing the deal.


Title Search

Once a purchase agreement is complete, a title search is required. This can be done from Service Alberta. The lawyer can help you with the title search and review all the documents related to it. It is important to note that at this point you may not be aware of a possible zoning in a region. So it is always advisable to confirm with a lawyer.

Our experienced Edmonton, Alberta based Real Estate Lawyers at Right Legal can help your property related transactions. Connect with them now.


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