Tuesday, June 19, 2018

Sexual harassment: When to file a Civil Harassment Lawsuit

According to Alberta Human Rights Act, Sexual harassment is any unwelcome sexual behavior that adversely affects, or threatens to affect, directly or indirectly, a person’s job security, working conditions or prospects for promotion or earnings; or prevents a person from getting a job, living accommodations or any kind of public service.

Cases of sexual harassment have been rising and it is time for you to be aware of the laws in place. As a human, it’s your right to feel safe in your society and at the workplace. Although it is easy to file a lawsuit under sexual harassment in Canada, you must know few important points before starting the process.

Various types of sexual harassment:

According to Alberta Human Rights Commission, following acts qualify for sexual harassment :

  • suggestive remarks, sexual jokes or compromising invitations;
  • verbal abuse;
  • visual display of suggestive sexual images;
  • leering or whistling;
  • patting, rubbing or another unwanted physical contact;
  • outright demands for sexual favors; and
  • physical assault.


You may also refer to your employee manual for more details as most of the employers maintain a separate sexual harassment manual, under OHS Act, Regulation, and Code. In case of any confusion, you may always consult to your HR department or the grievance officer before approaching a lawyer.


Your First Step – Warning the Harasser

In case, you feel uncomfortable with any of the above-mentioned acts by someone, you may first choose to speak to the individual in order to let them know about the unwanted behavior. If you feel the case needs attention you may speak to the management of the organization and let them know about the act.

Organizations have this duty towards building commitment of a safe workplace. They must ensure measures are taken to prevent Sexual Harassment, yet they must have proper policies in place to punish the offender.


Filing a civil Harassment Lawsuit

You can choose to file a civil harassment lawsuit if you feel it’s the best way to remediate the act. Filing a civil harassment lawsuit is not similar to the one against a criminal suit. It gives you more control over the case. You can get in touch with of our Civil Litigation Lawyers at Right Legal to know more.

The post Sexual harassment: When to file a Civil Harassment Lawsuit appeared first on Right Legal.

Sexual harassment: When to file a Civil Harassment Lawsuit posted first on https://www.rightlegal.ca/

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